Full Day Class
A full day means that your child is staying all day, from 8.30am to 2.45pm. You may choose a minimum of two afternoons and a maximum of five. However, there is an expectation that around the age of 4, a child will start with 2 afternoons to slowly increase to 5, if not already enrolled in any afternoons.
The afternoon session continues on from lunch, from 1.00pm to 2.45pm. Children follow the work cycle, similar to the morning, until approximately 2.30pm. Numbers are lower in the afternoons, allowing more flexibility in the programme. Small groups of children could visit the school library and the Montessori primary class (for the oldest children only, maximum of 6 children for 1 teacher); we might take the children to the primary playground, the school field for games, Otari Wilton bush for an excursion or bush walk or spend some time in the Preschool garden…Class updates keep parents informed about particular activities.
At around 2.30pm, children and adults tidy up the environment. This can be followed by a short mat time, with a story or some singing. Children get ready in the corridor and are farewelled by a teacher, at the door, to be collected by a parent/caregiver. Please make sure you are on time to pick up your child.